tirsdag 16. desember 2008

Melding fra Adam Green (regissøren av "HATCHET")

Hello Severin

Congrats on the completion of your first feature. That is a huge accomplishment and I hope that you were able to enjoy the process. Many wishes your way for good things to happen with it.Hatchet 2 will be made sometime next year though at this time I cannot say for certain whether I will be involved or not. I am already contractually obligated to two other films that are shooting next year, so unless Anchor Bay wants to wait- they may have to move on without me at the helm. We'll see how it all turns out.Friday night was my 28th Metallica show. I am seeing them twice again this week which will bring me to 30 shows in all. I just can't get enough and they are sounding better than ever these days.

Happy holidays,AG

torsdag 11. desember 2008

Til Oslo igjen

Da var det tilbake til Oslo for å fortsette på filmen.

Har gjort mye endringer den siste uken så nå skal det bli gøy å sitte sammen med klipper igjen :)